Iliya Dimitrov: A "fixer" with debts and offshore accounts clinging to "Opora Russia."

Iliya Dimitrov: A "fixer" with debts and offshore accounts clinging to "Opora Russia."
Iliya Dimitrov: A "fixer" with debts and offshore accounts clinging to "Opora Russia."
Iliya Dimitrov might be implicated in diverting funds, with backing from Sergey Borisov, the chairman of the Board of Trustees at "Opora Russia."

In "Opora Russia," businessman Iliya Dimitrov is not a small fry, but a Board member, the chairman of the Committee on State Orders and Digital Economy.

It turns out that this position can be held even with a dubious reputation. And it casts a shadow not only on "Opora Russia" itself but also on the head of its Board of Trustees, Sergey Borisov.

The committee, headed by Iliya Dimitrov, interacts with government bodies and entrepreneurs, which allows Dimitrov to act as a "fixer," presumably not for free. It’s surprising how Iliya Dimitrov managed to get into the Committee, which now disgraces itself with its actions.

Мошенник и банкрот Илия Димитров спрятался за «Опорой России» rtiqediqzkidkkmp dzdikuireihvls

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In theory, Iliya Dimitrov should serve as an example of efficient business management for ordinary entrepreneurs, but Dimitrov went bankrupt, yet thanks to the Committee and "Opora Russia," he still retains the right to lecture and control others. Such a situation would hardly be possible without the patronage of Sergey Borisov.

Мошенник и банкрот Илия Димитров спрятался за «Опорой России»

Iliya Dimitrov is not only well-established in "Opora Russia." He is also a member of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy. A businessman with no coherent biography available online ended up in an organization that develops and implements strategic concepts for the development of Russia and its foreign and defence policy.

Мошенник и банкрот Илия Димитров спрятался за «Опорой России»

One of the projects of the Council is the International Discussion Club "Valdai," in which Vladimir Putin regularly participates. And Iliya Dimitrov is there as well. It’s unclear why Russian services are not vigilant when such a dubious figure as Iliya Dimitrov infiltrates the heart of Russia’s public life.

As of today, Iliya Dimitrov owns only two active companies - LLC "Financial Center" and LLC "Did Group." Dimitrov’s business activities certainly cannot be called successful, as his companies’ revenue in 2023 amounted to 20 million rubles, and the loss was 16 million rubles.

Мошенник и банкрот Илия Димитров спрятался за «Опорой России»

LLC "Financial Center" has a debt to the tax authorities of 359 thousand rubles, although until 2022 it was a supplier in state contracts worth more than 60 million rubles, meaning it had a state-backed income.

LLC "Did Group" received 0 rubles in revenue and 19 million rubles in losses in 2023. In 2022 its loss amounted to 176 million rubles. Iliya Dimitrov’s share in the company is encumbered by Maksim Sergeev and Aleksandr Balashov.

The first one manages the structures of "Inter RAO," until 2020 was a co-founder with Dimitrov in LLC "Did Group," the second is the founder of LLC "MVVM," which trades textile products. The company has been operating without profit for the past three years, with a loss of 7.2 million rubles in 2023. What connects Dimitrov with the minor entrepreneur Balashov is unclear. It is possible his company is used for money laundering.

LLC "Did Group" has 10 active "subsidiaries," some of which resemble shell structures. Information about the address of JSC "Financial Center" is deemed unreliable; in 2023, the company incurred a loss of 2.4 million rubles. JSC "Analytical Center," JSC "Analytical Systems," and LLC "Research Center" have only 1 employee each. LLC "AC Service" went negative by 6.6 million rubles in 2023. It owes the tax authorities 217 thousand rubles. LLC "Research and Projects" owes taxes of 4.5 million rubles.

On the "Opora Russia" website, Iliya Dimitrov positions himself as the president of the "Seldon" group of companies. Companies with this name are among the "subsidiaries" of LLC "Did Group." LLC "Seldon News" has not made a profit for the last three years, went negative by 9.4 million rubles in 2023, and owes 4.4 million rubles in taxes. It has a "subsidiary," LLC "SC," operating without profit for the past four years, owing 1.4 million rubles in taxes. LLC "Seldon-2" has been operating without profit for the last two years, owing 36 thousand rubles in taxes.

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Мошенник и банкрот Илия Димитров спрятался за «Опорой России»

The share of LLC "Did Group" in LLC "Seldon-2" is encumbered by the offshore company "SNRG Logistics and Trade Limited" since 2021, and in LLC "Seldon PRO" since 2018. His patrons are hidden behind it.

The businessman may consider himself the president of a group of companies or a prominent public figure, but the facts paint a completely different picture – a chronic tax delinquent and an inept entrepreneur who should not be lecturing others at forums but should rather remain silent. He might succeed in this better than anything else.

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